Apple changes dev. agreement. Flash apps are a go

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  • Boz0


    how is Adobe monopolizing anything? SWF is open specification. Adobe makes the best tools it's simple as that. They bought Macromedia and integrated their apps into their suite. It's not like they killed any of them.. Okay Freehand but let's face it Illustrator was already an industry standard so there was no point keeping both apps.

    The scarier of the two is Apple. Because they set precedents in anti-competitive behavior, they are poster child for DRM, closed up system that we as a technological society have been working so hard to avoid. They make nice icons and slick devices and in return you get the worst draconian piece of technology it's ridiculous.

    Flash allowed us to evolve web. To bring video, interaction, applications that work on all browsers without writing thousands of lines of code to make sure it will appear the same.

    I can't wait personally for Apple to croak. That day will come as they are putting all of their eggs into one basket. iOS. and when Android takes the majority of the market and Apple's market-share falls below 15% I think they will face huge issues in maintaing revenue.

    Just like it happened with computers.

    • hahaha...have fun waitingukit
    • I'm a flash evangelist, but i find these arguments very one sided...kingsteven
    • we wouldn't have spotify if we didn't have itunes, we wouldn't have itunes if we didn't have DRMkingsteven
    • I could tell you a thing or two about spotify vs the music industry that would make you rethink apple being good.zarkonite
    • Yeah, i don't want to condone their business practice, just that they know how to strike a balance.kingsteven
    • create services, raise expectations, move towards a digital economy... even if they are occasionally wee shitskingsteven
    • what a load of tin foil hat nonsense BozPIZZA

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