How to Netherlands

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • georgesIII0

    I would advice you to learn the language as soon as you can,
    don't be the trustfund douche bag, I've seen all over the world who only hang out with people from their country and never get to learn anything during their stay.

    I would advice you to try and come on a tourist visa, you got 3 months if I remember, look around, for job, appartment and free dutch courses for foreigners.

    Once you've done your first three months luckily you've have a better idea if you want to stay or not. and don't forget to not be a dyke (dutch humour)

    • We've got a strange kind of humor... ;-)Roberthannink
    • learning Dutch is greatly appreciated and probably will increase your changes yep :-)Jurre
    • And Dutch isn't all that impenetrable as a language. It's intimidating at first, until you start to see similarities with other languages.Continuity
    • ... languages.Continuity

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