Why do they bleach eggs white?

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    eggs are great. i love eggs. i eat 3 a day.

    They have every vitamin aside form vitamin C, they have some of highest quality protein albumin as well as amino acids proportional to one another optimal for muscle growth.

    i. love. eggs.

    • my pops uses the shell to mix with his coffee grinds before he brews it. I guess the chalk like material helps to fight off the acidity.payton
    • Fight off what? I need closure!WrappedInBooks
    • 3 eggs ever day?! be careful with high cholesterol. just sayin ;)sea_sea
    • To fight off the acidity...chalk
    • you know if you highlight the whole note you can copy all the text to read the missing part... just saying...set
    • or only have the text resizeAmicus

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