Buying a Suit

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  • woodyBatts0

    Also a few more tips. I just fired this off to my little brother.

    Nothing ruins a suit like laziness. Start with the shoes. Shined and clean. Not lame sketchers or something. And don't try to be cheeky and wear chuck's. i have seen people do it. They're usually dirty and instead of looking unique you look pathetically average.

    I rock these with my suit

    I recommend

    Spend money on a decent pair of socks. I can't cosign not wearing socks unless you're in a Thom Browne suit. I did see some guy wearing a lame calvin klien suit without sicks. It looked incongruent. Wear socks, personally I always wear bright color socks to give me a bit of edge.

    Have it pressed! Buy a shirt, french cuffs, medium spread collar.NO TABS! Tabs were invented for polo players to keep their collars down. Do a little research on different types of shirts. Trust me like a suit and shoes, a little more money goes a long ways. Also having a shirt tailor made is by far cheaper then buying a 40 dollar nautica then having it tailored.

    Shave. Enough of this big beard crap. And shave before you put on the shirt. ( I have a friend who literally put on his tux at his wedding, then shaved! He also tried to wear dirty chucks )

    Old Timey
    If you don't settle arguments by fist fighting then don't dress all old timey. You know that girl in art school who dressed like louise brooks or the one that thought she was twiggy...yeah you're the male version.

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