Flash is not dead

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Pupsipu0

    a bit of a stretch to compare AS3 in Flash to Microsoft Desktop APIs and Cocoa. A fair comparison would be AS3 to JS or Silverlight.

    There is simply no comparison on mobiles, JIT compiled or interpreted runtimes for JS and AS3 will not be able to do very much. Of course, most iPhone apps don't do very much so could be done more easily in JS/AS3 than Obj C 1.0.

    Apple isn't stopping people from putting together JS iPhone apps as long as they're packaged a certain way, and there are lots of packagers around for that already. They appeared a few months after the iPhone did.

    So the real problem here is Adobe. Flash is closed source so it has fewer developers than the JS world. The haXe to iPhone effort was the only attempt to get Flash iPhone apps to run outside of Adobe and it was hindered by the closed source player.

    Adobe could have put together their iPhone exporter together a year ago. They could have had their mobile effort done a year ago, it just wasn't a priority, so now they're pretty late to the party.

    • sure apple took the opportunity to introduce people to Obj C, but Android has its own weird API too, and Java.Pupsipu

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