Bye Bye iPad

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • kult0

    MS perceptions on this board is hysterical. But it's even prevalent at any agency I go to, where "creatives" actually believe Adobe's creative suite was "designed" to be used on a Mac. And the IT department's don't help. Most workstations still fucking run windows XP, and Mac zealots still compare modern Apple software to it.

    Windows 7, Zune (the device, service, everything), and Xbox (device, service) are all absolutely fucking stellar. Windows Mobile 7 looks promising as hell. People laugh off the Zune because it hasn't beaten the iPod in 'the market', while never even bothering to try one and see how damned sexy it is. I too could be a complete moron and laugh off Macs simply because of their low market share alone.

    • windows 7 is a knock off from Macos. I'm not a Mac fanboy by the wayKiggen
    • And so what? The small brand makes the jump and the massive company follows thru.DrBombay
    • It progresses computing that way. Apple can take chances, especially with legions of fanboy soldiers to trumpet it.DrBombay
    • How exactly is it a knock-off?kult

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