email lists vs twitter/facebook

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  • Meeklo0

    "I have 5,000 people on one email list and only 185 facebook fans."

    From those 5000 people, probably less than 40% those emails dont go to the spam bin, so lets make that what.. 2000 people that might open your email (more than 1/2 of those won't be able to see it correctly, and the other 1/2 probably didn't requested to be on your list..)

    Now tell me, how long have you been collecting the database for those 5000 people, and how long have you had the FB page up?

    Unlike email, You can't send updates to people that didn't request your info on FB, in fact... people MUST voluntarily become a fan of your company in order to receive updates, that means they want to be involved and that they want your info, so from those 150 people that you have now, the % is probably way over 50%

    Imagine if you had 5000 fans, and compare it fairly

    • 35% of those on the list click thruDrBombay
    • how does that stack up with the click through of a FB pageMeeklo
    • Harder to gauge. I get wicked stats from our email provider. Not so much from FBDrBombay

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