Canon 5d Question

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Machuse0

    I'm not actually speaking of great photo's - or the artistic merit of photo's produced from expensive cameras. Obviously that is only the product of a good photographer.

    What I'm speaking about is the easy of creating profesional looking quality material.

    example: circa 10 years ago
    Compare what a 1000$ consumer/prosumer camcorder could produce video-wise compared to what the news was producing, again in 1995.

    Compare what your mom's photos looked like compared to what the studio photographer could create just 10 years ago

    Compare what local dealership commercials look like compared to the main brand commercials for the cars they sell

    in all of these examples we see a clear disparition in quality - artistic merit notwithstanding - between what the professionals could do - and someone with half a months pay in video equipment could produce.

    Now compare what the canon 5d does and it rivals motion pictures...probably looks better than whats on the news - and is easily accessible by anyone with 3grand - just point and shoot - dont need lighting just go outside and produce.
    go outside - no lights needed, no studio setup - just a good lens and 5d -

    • agree to disagree. lighting + setup def. plays a key role in solid production.lvl_13
    • I'm sure it does. I'm not arguing that - maybe this is the wrong place for this discussionMachuse

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