Examples of Dynamic Shopping Experiences

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • lukus_W0

    I don't think this kind of guide application is so desirable.

    People like freedom - and what you're describing, sounds like it would be at odds with the consumers freedom to explore.

    An analogy might be walking into a store - and being guided by a personal shopper .. that could be nice - but it could also be extremely annoying.

    I think the reason their aren't many good examples of this type of 'experience' on-line - is because it's very very difficult to do well. It wouldn't surprise me if no-one has cracked it yet.

    The reason Amazon works, is because Amazon build up a relationship with their customers over years. They have a huge database retaining behavioural traits. You probably won't have this available - and in this kind of circumstance, one size rarely fits all.

    If you do want to go through this route - I'd recommend booking an hour or so with a personal shopper at several major department stores. Find out what works in the real-world. Find out what tricks and techniques the professionals use. Treat it as a research experiment.

    • about doing it in real life, yes we did that. And you're right with most of your story, good sumary. Well appreciated.Jordy

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