HAARP and Haiti - Conspiracy?

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    I'm very surprised at the adverse responses to the mention of conspiracy theories.

    the very phrase 'conspiracy theory' pisses me off because of all the negative connotations that it comes with. 'Speculative theory' would be a more appropriate term.

    The media itself, particularly American media, makes fun of the idea of conspiracy theorists and architect a world of insanity, shame and embarrassment around them. You could say they do this to make it easier for conspiracies to take place and go unquestioned.

    An in terms of calling conspiracy theorists idiots and nutters is kinda contradictory in itself. whats more stupid believing everything you see on the news and absorbing everything the man in power is telling you, or question the world around you?

    Also to not believe any conspiracies take place or to not believe that a country could harm its own people for the gain of the country would be ignorant, any historian/war historian will tell you that.

    Ignorance is bliss i agree, and identity above has it right, what can you do about it? Live your life, enjoy it, be happy, but try not to eat up everything you see or hear as fact.

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