New compact SLR

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • xcarlx0

    i know this is blasphemy here since it is not a Leica, Nikon, or cannon, but...

    from dpreview;
    "You have to take your hat off to Olympus for getting so much right with its first Micro Four Thirds camera. From the stylish, retro design to the top notch image quality this is a camera that, unlike so many we see, pretty much completely lives up to the hype surrounding it. And that's a lot of hype; few cameras released in the last few years have created the kind of frenzy of interest that greeted the unveiling of the E-P1 last month; hardly surprising given the paucity of genuine innovation in the digital camera market at the moment, particularly in the compact sector.

    For years now we - along with many of our users - have been pleading with SLR manufacturers to produce a camera like this, and we would be very surprised indeed if the E-P1 were the only model in this new category in 12 months time (in fact we'd be very surprised if Panasonic doesn't offer something similar this year). The combination of a compact body, large sensor and interchangeable lenses is an appealing one for the serious photographer, and for these users the E-P1, with its extensive photographic controls and superb output (not to mention the design, which harks back to the glory days of 'real cameras') is going to be very tempting, and - for the most part - very rewarding."

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