Out of context: Reply #28

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  • jfletcher0

    I have 3 macs... and run Windows on all 3. Only 1 do I still have the Apple side through bootcamp. I mostly use it for music and movies.

    The main reason I run Windows is the company I work at. It's all Windows, so it's just easier. I generally like Windows 7 a lot, and don't find a lot of stuff better on the Mac side exdept ripping movies.

    In the end I don't think it really matters.... although if you buy a PC, reformat it right away since there is usually OEM crap-ware on it.

    The one thing that does drive me crazy with Apple is lower resolution. Why can't they make it higher so I can fit more on my screen?

    • Good tip on the reformatting...hate the OEM stuffukit
    • Just get a MBP and a copy of Win7 and bootcamp. Done, best of borth worlds.jfletcher

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