Flash CS5 sneak peek

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • rounce0

    My fucking god; you're all giant gaping klunges!!

    Those of you who're knocking AS3 in favour of AS2 obviously don't have 2 braincells to rub toegether and even the most basic of OOP languages is too complex for you even though the language is about a gazillion times more flexible than AS2.

    God forbid you should want to do something more interesting and complex than a simple fucking image fade. Which, because you can now do it easily in Javascript with jQuery or whatever, you're straight on the FlashBashing bandwagon, despite the fact you've been able to do it in Javascript using plain native timer objects for years!


    Flash has it's uses, yes the current popularity of Javascript and the speed of it's processing engines in most browsers is good and means that people are using Flash for what it was meant for rather than the gratuitous, pointless, lazy, timeline animation heavy shit of yesteryear (or right now in felizfeliz's case).

    Basically what I'm trying to say is STFU and let the professionals (flash or JS or whatever) get to work

    • Amen!Mishga
    • Some of you developers have quite the sense of superiority.CyBrain

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