Flash CS5 sneak peek

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • felizfeliz0

    Yep. I hate Flash.

    Just right now I've got an xml doc I'm importing into a text box in Flash - and flash yet again proves itself to be a complete waste of time.

    In my xml doc I have one carriage return like this in my content:

    example]]></content >

    but good old flash interprets this as two carriage returns and show's it as:



    instead of:


    which is how it should look. which is how it looks when I import the exact same xml doc into a html doc using some php.

    oh great. thanks Flash. good one. yep. awesome work.
    now i'm wasting time googling it and trying to searching for a solution.
    why? why isn't it simple?
    brilliant. love it. great. love Flash. yep. awesome...

    come of Flash lovers explain this one to me.

    • find replace with RegEx. No excuse though, should shoot someone at Adobe for every bug like thisPupsipu
    • thats not really a bug...thats bad form. and its basic. use <br/>powertoni
    • well my cms takes text from a html form and saves it as cdata xml. then flash x2 the carriage returns.felizfeliz
    • YUOR DOING IT WRONG!rounce

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