site crit

Out of context: Reply #42

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    I think print has a lot more to offer than people think...

    The site is good and nice and appropriate, but it's not as dynamic as print pieces I have seen, sites such as amazon / media temple use the same kind of structure you use, amazon gets away with it because the array of functionality available...
    and that's what people know it for.

    You need to be careful that when you have jsut a set of pages that link together that it doesn't become to stale... I know it's a trap people fall into.. you basically build the templae and then flow the content in

    I'm no being negative, as I like the site you've done... guess I'm talking in general... and I bet the clients tended to stamp the direction in a big way... i.e they have a magnificent museum but no one willing to spend the time giving you all the great content.

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