Deposit Refund BS

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • monNom0

    You should just give it back to them... minus of course the time spent on the flash page, administering their account over 5 years. etc. Itemize and account for all the unbilled time they've wasted in the past 5 years. Offer to refund them the difference. If that's not good enough, tell them to sue.

    Plus, if it does go to that far, your attempt to settle will be looked upon favourably in small claims court.

    BTW don't forget to include the taxes you probably paid on that deposit... I'm not sure but 5 years ago seems like you wouldn't be able to revise your past earnings and carry that loss forward. check with an accountant.

    • this is a great point. once you itemise the costs, the tax etc, you might just send them $15 and a thank-you.airey

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