design a typeface 2009

Out of context: Reply #435

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  • 629 Responses
  • version30


    seriously? "waste my time"? it's a community project that you signed up for understanding the deadline, it was one character, any style, no AD demanding revisions. jimbo stated when it would be done. He understood he would have to take time from his schedule to complete the font as promised. Those who fulfilled their obligations by the deadline submitted knowing their work would be included in the cache that jimbo had to work with while compiling our submissions into the face. We have downloaded his work in the form of the font linked previously. Now your error in time management justifies a demand of inclusion? I tend to disagree with your attitude here. your delay requires each of us to then update our files. this simply wreaks of needy. Your best bet is to hope to be included if the lowercase revolution ever gets underway.

    I saw your ribbon work too, i suggest you work on the intersections and think through more of the over under situations and submit it instead of this hurried "waste of your time" you demand be added.

    • just sayin'version3
    • well put_salisae_
    • well put? People are getting overly sensitive in this place. Let's get back to looking at, designing and crafting great work, and stop bitchin' and moanin'. That is all.Amicus
    • Well put my ass. LOL @ deadline. So much for having fun. Tick, tock, tick tock...gramme
    • cockmunchery!jimzy

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