I want to be an architect for awhile

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  • xcarlx0

    No, your biggest hurdle is lack of an architectural license, lack of a client, lack of money (or not on that one). Some of the buildings at the solar decathlon cost upwards of $500k, most have big time corporate sponsors, and many were never designed by architects.

    To any one considering this:
    TRUST ME YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE AN ARCHITECT> I studied architecture, to the point of getting my M.Arch and was close to getting my registration before I left the profession, and trust me, the profession sucks. ASK ANY REGISTERED ARCHITECT< ANY STUDENT OF ARCHITECTURE< You will study for 5 to 7 years of long nights, poor food, little sleep, little social life. You will be ridiculed by your professors at every turn, you will then enter the profession and build nothing, just sit in a cubical drawing bathroom interiors and arguing with consultants and inspectors for little money and little sleep for 3-4 years before you take your exam.

    Add on top of that the current economy where every major architecture firm around the world has either frozen hiring, laid people off, or closed shop entirely, your biggest problem is likely to be unemployment, even 5 years from now.
    dont believe me? just check the architect.com forums.


    • despite this applications to architecture schools are at their highest rate ever.xcarlx
    • jeez negative nancy. who invited you to the party anyways?
    • it is just a warning.xcarlx
    • My Dad was an architect. This rings true with what he tells me. I think a lot of people go into it for the cachet alone.bort
    • yes only the strong survive in architecture. was in architecture for a few yrs myself.doesnotexist

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