Creative Brief

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • vaxorcist0

    I once worked in an agency where we had the usual, but added a category called "central insight" into the constomer's mind... an example would be:

    A central insight into buyers of SUV's is that they feel small and powerless, caged up in workaday cube offices, they want to be powerful, on top, and able to escape to the grand canyon at a figurative moment's notice

    • So.. the "BS statement"? loladev
    • not really BS.... just the "irrational, real reason" people buy X rather than Y....vaxorcist
    • cars are classic examples of how people buy based on irrational but justify based on "back-rationalisatio...vaxorcist
    • this is totally how I feel... and I totally own an SUV. Well played market insight, well played.monNom

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