photographer vs Newsweek

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • luckyorphan0

    Kennerly is a crybaby.

    Photojournalists are not photo editors. If he wanted to control how his image is used, he should have either stipulated total control in his contract. But since he didn't, he should have accepted the fact that once he was paid for it, and it left his hands, it was out of his control.

    A photojournalist is a conduit between an event, and the public who was not on the scene themselves. In this case, the event happened, he took a picture of it, and sold it.

    To wrap it up, what should we infer from his choice of angle and selection of the image to capture? Why did he not capture just Cheney at the cutting board, instead of the entire room? Perhaps he's a republican?


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