How Much Coffee ...

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • mg330

    Ha, a year ago my response would have been very different...

    I gave up coffee on New Years Day this year. Pretty much gave up caffeine altogether. Just stone cold quit. One of the best things I've ever done.

    I was drinking 3-4 cups a morning between home and work. I would fall off a cliff in the afternoon, just dead tired. I didn't sleep well at all, was pretty anxious all the time, stressed out, the whole nine yards.

    It's been over 8 months now. I basically gave up coffee, and started taking a strong multivitamin twice a day, along with wheat grass pills. Iv'e got so much more natural energy now. I'm usually tired from staying up too late, but it's consistent all day. I don't have those crashes in the afternoon. I drink decaf every now and then when I need the taste, and I'm totally satisfied with that.

    I really think I will never go back. I crave it constantly, but I can't believe I've been this successful with giving it up. I highly suggest giving it a try if it's your ball and chain.

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