Here's a real Jackass.

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    Fuck your cars. All of you arrogant, polluting, egotistical assholes. Fuck the lot of you.

    How DARE a cyclist inconvenience your drive to your piteous job by forcing you to slow down for 3 seconds until it's safe to pass. How DARE they take away that precious time away from your pathetic life.

    Patience. Look it up. This is something you should have learned ages ago... you fucking children.

    All of you people that like to pick fights with cyclists have other issues that you need to deal with. Mainly ones that deal with insecurities, power struggles.

    This guy is so immature. He's the same douchebag bully that was in your grade school - just 30 years older.

    You may have had a bad experience with a cyclist, but how many bad experiences do you have DAILY with other drivers. Does that mean cars shouldn't be allowed on the roads???? At least if a cyclist hits you, you don't get hurt... HE does, not you. Can't say the same if you collide with another car. Good chance YOU'LL get hurt. So why aren't you as angry towards the cars on the road? "Let's ban the cars!" Right??

    • +1burnt
    • Calm down, take a pill or something. This guy is a prick, so are lots of cyclists.comicsans
    • errr, theyve inconvenienced me by alot more than 3 secs bud!!forbes
    • why aren't the both of you car driving, bike riding hippies rocking harsh cool segways?prophet0NE

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