Giving up drinking.

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • 5timuli0

    I said nothing about drinking to improve my life or make it more meaningful. My intentions were simply to blot out the shit for a few hours on a Friday night as I just can't deal with this any more. Last time I had problems I directly turned to QBN because, like it or not, there are people on here 24/7 you can talk to. Is it sad and pathetic that the only people I can talk to are people I don't know? Of course it is. Did I expect any life-changing advice or to get instant clarity on my life's problems? No. QBN helped me a lot back in 2005. It's not 2005 anymore.

    My wife is the ONLY reason I am still here in this country. I have nothing else. I'm not happy, but I always came home to her being here. Now she's not here. Whether it comes across in my tone or not, I'm utterly devastated. My life and soul has been ripped out of me. I'm stranded in a place I'm not happy, with no real friends, no money. My plans for the future with her are dead. Plans to have kids, build a family. Even my citizenship and residency is in trouble now. Neither of us can live without our two dogs so some unbearable decisions have to be made there. I'm not mentally strong enough to cope with this shit right now.

    Sure, I don't have it bad compared to some, and things'll get better eventually. But right now my world is a dark place and I've no desire to be in it. Melodramatic? Yeah, but that's just how it is. Everything's fucked.

    Maybe I should just give up QBN like so many others have. Let's face it, nobody really fucking cares if another long-term member disappears. Everybody just wants to bitch and complain, have a go at someone while hiding behind a username. Hey, I've done it once or twice but some do nothing but. I've had 7 years out of QBN, maybe it's time for me to get out. Thank for all the advice and laughs and links.

    A good post number to end on: 69.

    • i appreciate you being here stim. and would love to meet you IRL.
      contact me whenever you want to shout/vent..

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