How many Web Designers...

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • sherm0

    Its funny. I started as a fine artist utilizing many mediums except paint, it was too messy for me. Somewhere I started liking computer graphics and did that for a while, even dabbling in #D Modeling and animation. I hopped into Computer programming due to the dot com boom and decided to mix the two ending up with "web design" which i realized didn't mean shit until I knew how to do some back end stuff and connect to DBs. Now I work as a web developer and know more about development than I really care to share. Photography seems to be my only outlet at this point... which isn't the actual point. but web designers who don't know how to code pretty much are inept and I don't mean that as a diss. I'm just saying, a lot of back and forth gets eliminated when you can understand how ur design will be coded in the end.

    • #D = 3Dsherm
    • I just figured that was one better than C#pylon
    • that would be interesting. i thinksherm

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