RIP Ted Kennedy

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • monkeyshine0

    I don't know your political affiliation (and don't care) but have noticed like republicans LOVE to dismiss anything he's ever done or said by bringing this up. It was a terrible accident in the life of a flawed person.

    I know someone who killed someone @ 18 driving drunk. He's in his 50s now and has to live with what he did. He's not a bad person but he did a really stupid thing early in his life. Life isn't always so clean and simple.

    • //Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face and didn't talk to the cops for well over 9 hours :PDrBombay
    • But Ted lied about it.AngryMob
    • did your friend do jail time or repay his debt to society?baseline_shift
    • How did he lie exactly?DrBombay
    • Please.... must I educate you on everything?AngryMob
    • He said he never saw any houses where he could call for help.. which was a lie. Do you just blanketly love all Democratsmathinc
    • Rick? Seems as such. It's like a big game to you.mathinc
    • The person alsp apologise to cheney for being in front of his gun.GeorgesII

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