
Out of context: Reply #9

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  • locustsloth0

    Ah thanks all!!!
    Birthday was sunday and it was good.
    My kids had been planning on making me breakfast (they are 4 and 8 yrs old). So it was no surprise when i woke up Sunday morning to my 8 yr old asking if i wanted orange juice or a different juice. i said OJ and fell back asleep.
    Soon after, i was awoken again, this time with a request for assistance with the microwave, as it was too hard for him to get open. So i sleepily slump out of bed, trundle over to the microwave to read that the time is 6am. i kindly let them know i wasn't quite hungry for breakfast yet and that they should watch some cartoons and then maybe it'd be time. Got back in bed, went back to sleep.
    Some time later i heard a vague question from my son.
    "No that's alright" i say, half-asleep.
    "They've already made it for you," says the wife, somewhat grumpily.
    i open my eyes to see cereal, OJ, toast and jelly and two sausages on a tray for me. i thanked them heartily and spen the next hour drifting in and out of sleep as i ate the meal,
    My wife's grumpiness came from the fact that she awoke and encountered my 8 yr old contemplating using a fork in the toaster. We all decided that next time an adult should be conscious when a child is attempting breakfast.
    Other than that it was a mellow day. Funny how the best days can be the ones where you hardly do anything.

    But anyway, thanks again.

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