Copywriting Q

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • vaxorcist0

    You're up against the quote paradox.

    They're asking for a quote "just so we can budget" but they don't really know what it's going to include.... so you can't give a meaningful quote.... argh...

    but really and opportunity to be more useful to client...

    You may want to involve a good copywriter in helping you come up with the main idea and the quote, rather than just "pasting the copy over the lorem ipsum" that happens too often....

    I've known some great copywriters, they're often very funny, and often able to help in a meeting, getting ideas agreed upon.

    The things he asked for were:
    1. What's the business goal?
    2. What's the target audience?
    3. What's the brands current market position/perception?

    The last 2 are often hard for clients to work out, but that's why they hire smart people like you....

    Copy without a strategy is like a designer getting a brief that says "just start designing and the account staff will go see what they want"

    He said that he's willing to help work with clients to find answers to those questions, but if those questions aren't answered, there's no difference between good copy and random taste arguments....

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