Why do I suck at Flash?

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  • TSFS0

    Flash has an extremely steep learning curve, but once you get it... you just get it.

    I highly recommend figuring out the following concepts
    -how the vector drawing tools work
    -how timeline animations work with keyframes
    -how to use tweens
    -how movie clips and buttons function

    Once the basics are down.. read philip kermans good ol' actionscripting in flash for a nice intro into programming concepts and how actionscript is used for specific tasks

    THE MAJOR HUMP people find hard to get over is that movieclips can be nested in each other, as well as in buttons, and by building very simple animations nested inside each other... magic happens!

    flash is fun. its a little world where you can make anything happen. check out my final project for my new media II class.. nothing but code controlling duplicated movie clips along equations


    hope this helped a bit!

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