Mac or PC shit

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    MRDOB, you're a fucking idiot. you cant "do good stuff" if your computer is constantly fighting back at you and not allowing you to do your job. it raises stress levels having to deal with all the PC issues and it eats at your fucking brain on a daily basis, causing overall creativity and the motivation to work to PLUMMET. Trust me, I have been dealing with this shit for three years. Our IT guy INSISTS the designers use PCs... and he has final say according to the boss for some fucking reason, probably because the boss has known him the longest.

    i hate that fucking argument "it doesn't matter what the tool is, it's what you get done on it". bullshit empty argument a child would come up with.

    • let me say your tech must suck ass, seriously. Maintaining a working windows is not hard at all...zarkonite
    • consider all backend stuff that runs on windows. Electric plants, water treatment, web servers, your OnStar in your car, etc. etc. etc.zarkonite
    • OnStar. LOL! that's for MORONS.akrokdesign
    • lock their keys inside their cars.akrokdesign
    • who. and not how. i typed to fast there. :-)akrokdesign
    • you shouldn't need an IT guy to keep your computer functional!!!iCanHazQBN
    • Electric/Water Plants, Server companies, sure, those guys need an IT team. But a tiny design shop... NO.iCanHazQBN
    • its completely unnecessary that we need one. All we need is fooking MACS.iCanHazQBN
    • As I'm typing this. the GOOGLE server is DOWN. the regular google site AND Gmail.iCanHazQBN
    • so don't tell me these fucking servers dont ever fail.iCanHazQBN
    • PC is poison. They are the innovative assholes, just like GM is. And the giant will fall eventually...iCanHazQBN
    • ..because they're completely out of touch to what people really want.iCanHazQBN
    • Yes, iCanHazQBN, you're totally right. Here, take a cookie.mrdoob
    • i will take it in the shape of a bitten apple.iCanHazQBN

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