What do you wear to a design job interview?

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  • Scotch_Roman0

    Meeklo, my thoughts on the subject is that the clothes don't make the man or woman, nor does the portfolio prove the value of the person. Potential employers pay attention to the total package.

    I think a smart employer looks for designers who are nice, intelligent, and articulate. People that will fit in well with the current team and won't make the company look unprofessional. Anyone with half a brain will acknowledge that talent will not help you one bit if you can't talk about and thus sell your work.

    Smart employers look for people who are not only good designers, but provide interests, skill sets, and personality dynamics that fill a void in their existing team.

    Smart employers look for a person who is driven but humble enough to take direction well and work with a team.

    Smart employers look for someone who already has a high standard of excellence built in, and a solid work ethic. This allows employees of confident business owners to take ownership of their work, all while playing nicely with the team. Insecure business owners like to remind their people that it's their name on the door, or some such line that basically tells people "hey, if I could do the work myself, I would, but as is you're just another pair of hands to facilitate my vision."

    I've learned all the above from working for brilliant assholes and untalented saints alike.

    • ....as well as from working for/with the rare person who's not just talented, but also kind, generous, and confident.Scotch_Roman
    • Sadly, there are very few people in our industry who fit all of the above descriptions.Scotch_Roman

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