What do you wear to a design job interview?

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • Scotch_Roman0

    This topic has been thoroughly addressed here before, but I'll take a stab at it.

    In addition to what some have said, It also depends on the vibe of your geographical area. Around here (lower Midwest), it's pretty rare to find designers, even in relatively laid-back studios, who are wearing shorts and ratty old t-shirts on a typical day at the office. Sure they might be wearing jeans and t-shirts, but nicer jeans and fitted shirts vs. something you'd wear for mowing the grass. Coming from the East Coast, things were a lot more laid back. Everyone wore old t-shirts and shorts at my first agency job.

    So if your area is more or less conservative: wear a blazer, matching pants (no jeans), nice button down (tucked in), decent shoes that match your belt. It doesn't have to be a suit, but neither should you wear a blazer that's frayed all over the place. Blazer isn't needed of course if it's really warm, just wear a nice shirt.

    On the coasts, I think nice jeans are OK as long as the overall impression is sharp.

    In general, I think it's better to err on the side of being over-dressed than under-dressed.

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