why do people watch preachers?

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • Scotch_Roman0

    I think many televangelists are full of varying degrees of BS. Joel Osteen preaches a false gospel of health, wealth, and prosperity that people lap up simply because it feels good. The man does not use a single line of Scripture in most of his sermons. It's not really much more than his own personal philosophical/self-help forum.

    The true gospel is not so much about improving ones health and wealth in this life, but rather in the next life, in eternity. Of course, Jesus came to heal the sick, the blind, to comfort the downtrodden and minister to the outcast; but his ultimate message was one of eternal life. This world is passing away. Joel Osteen settles for a temporal band-aid sort of gospel. In a word, it's heresy.

    Changing gears: airey, I think you're on to something. Theoretical science, i.e. scientific "theories" that are based largely on conjecture, have more in common with philosophy and faith than with science. Robotron is wrong about the supposed line in the sand between religious faith and evolutionary science. Faith most definitely should be questioned and tested in order for it to grow.

    • If Joel is really Christian, and Christian is to be like-Christ, How often did Christ or Paul quote scripture? Just sayin....philipdrumman
    • Actually, Christ and Paul both quoted scripture prolifically. Read the gospels for a start.Scotch_Roman
    • Then read all of Paul's letters. Copious Old Testament references (the only Bible then available)Scotch_Roman
    • Scotch not getting into debate but how were parables quoting other scripture certainly not on daily accountphilipdrumman
    • point im trying to make is refs are in the letters but how is the ration of letters in retrospect to years of witness by either Paul or Christ, parables to ppl vs Paul in court in Rome, etcphilipdrumman
    • or Christ, parables to ppl vs Paul in court in Rome, etc.philipdrumman
    • Mostly it was about witness and passion not down yer throat scripture quantity...philipdrumman

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