
Out of context: Reply #61

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  • Scotch_Roman0

    A former employer told me they thought it was unethical for employees to take source files when they leave the firm, because the files belong to the firm and I could then make derivative works if I so chose. But why the hell would I rip myself or the firm off? I only intended to use the files for the sake of showing my portfolio. And even then, I honored work that was not yet published or restricted by an NDA. One of my favorite logos, in fact, might never see the light of day in my portfolio because I signed an NDA. It sucks, but I'm a man of my word.

    Some people have such twisted ideas about ethics. It almost always boils down to insecurity, paranoia, ego, and a lack of trust that people will show common decency. I understand that people shouldn't be trusted until proven trustworthy, but you'd think after working very closely with someone for a few years that they'd have a strong sense of your character.

    Case in point: the day I left my last job, I was asked not to show work in my portfolio that I didn't do. Seriously? After working with me day in/ day out for three years, seeing the long hours pulled on many projects, the honesty and integrity shown in every situation, why on earth would someone say such a thing to me? Why would any self-respecting designer show work in which they weren't involved, especially coming from a small studio? I ain't no Batesoler, Jim.

    • I just have a problem when like 3-5 ex-employees show me the same exact work, who did what?Jamal_Jenkins
    • Sure. Doesn't apply to my situation though. Every project was directed by the owner, but on all but two pieces in my folio, I was the design lead.Scotch_Roman
    • I was the sole designer.Scotch_Roman
    • Again, my former boss refined everything through her direction, but I did most of the work.Scotch_Roman
    • that is fine then, just be sure to add your former in the creditsJamal_Jenkins
    • designer: you
      Agency: your former firm
    • Done. See every single project description on my site...Scotch_Roman
    • My credit line is "designed with the team at KLI", which is really giving them more credit in some instancesScotch_Roman
    • It's just that the former boss was always hammering into us the fact that we were a team.Scotch_Roman
    • So, I wrote it the way she would, even though it makes my role seem smaller at times.Scotch_Roman
    • Simple fact is, people are cunts. The older I get, the more I hate most people.noRBG
    • Learn from experience to hate people. It's the only way!noRBG
    • you honorable Scotch!Jamal_Jenkins
    • create a password protected section for showing NDA work.tkmeister

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