Kidney Stones

Out of context: Reply #20

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    i had a kidney stone. i went to the ER one day and they told me i had a stone, go home and pass it. Here is some percoset. drink lots of water. i did that, but i couldn't pee so i got worried. every hour or so the next day I got extremely bad pains, like there was a burning piece of charcoal inside my side. the percoset was helping manage the pain a little, but i still couldn't pee even though i'd drank like a gallon of water. all the sudden i puked. I just was sitting there and "holy shit" and i ran to the bathroom and puked in the tub. a huge nasty water puke. i'd just taken a percoset so i puked that out. i called the ER at that point and they said to come in. when i got there i had no pain killers in me and an "episode" hit me when i was in the waiting room. For the next 20 minutes i was clawing at the walls, hallucinating (not shitting you), and scaring the piss out of every one in the waiting room while the nurses filled out paper work and generally acted like dicks. Then they finally got me in the ER and pumped me full of the good shit, but they told me the stone hadn't moved and they'd have to do surgery. Because of it's location ultra sound wasn't an option. So i stayed the night (one of the longest nights ever - had a self administered morphine drip that only allowed me to hit the button every 15 minutes; which meant every 20 minutes i'd wake up screaming in agony slamming the morphine button) and in the morning they strapped me to a bed and knocked me out, then stuck a tube in my wang and pulled the fucker out. when i woke up i had a stent in my ureter and a bottle of industrial strength vicodin, and peed blood for a week.

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