we are so small

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • GeorgesII0

    I'm going crazy about the concept of "time" these days
    it took me 3 months to find a book my dad used to have but I did it.
    its called
    "Le callendrier / histoire du monde" by philippe Vidal
    (editions traditionelles, 1978)
    it is the most interesting book on the concept of time you'll find out there because it explains all the different calendar used since the men started tracking time.
    btw its in french

    • je ne savais pas que tu est francais, ou tu parles francais. salut! je vais essayer de trouver ce livre.sputnik2
    • salut sputnik (c'est pas un nom de shit ça?), oui je parle français mais je suis de la cote d'Ivoire, bonne chance
    • moi aussi je parle francais, mais jai totallement oublier de l'ecrire.Kiko

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