site crit

Out of context: Reply #46

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  • dMullins0

    I would fix your typos before even thinking about any design changes or modifications.

    "Banners Ads."

    "Corporate Stationery."

    "eCommerce" instead of "Online Stores."

    In the footer (which is on every single sub-page) you have "Wed Design Leeds," instead of "Web Design Leeds" – I imagine that's horrible for your SEO... There are tons of grammatical and typographic errors in your site's copy, on every single page.

    Lastly, I would do some reorganization or your "Contact Us" page's hierarchy. It's hard to read, and I'm pretty sure in Leeds that people read left-to-right, and not right-to-left. Also, you have four typos and grammar errors on your "Contact Us" page.

    As far as design, the kerning on your logo needs work, and I agree with a lot of what's already been stated.

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