Vista and OSX

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • SteveJobs0

    my two cents.

    first off, let me preface this by saying i was laughing my ass off reading about your troubles. mostly because this was my exact experience when i first started using the mac.

    another thing to note. i use both. i will never prefer one over the other overall, but only for certain small tasks.

    basically it took me about a week to set up my mac like the pc i'd been using for the last 15 years.

    i'm not going to go into the details. just have faith, it can be done. you can change your home/end keys, make the control key act like the command key, etc.

    one thing i will recommend is getting a microsoft mouse. microsoft has some 'drivers' you can install on the mac and it does away with that acceleration bullshit.

    over the next few months you'll become accustomed to the mac, and you'll have several more bittersweet experiences where one minute you'll understand why everyone switches, and the next you'll feel sorry for the dumb fucks out there who swear by the mac thinking it really is the end-all-be-all.

    in the end, you'll have releived yourself from having to contribute to any mac vs. pc thread again, because you'll realize - in that debate, there's never room for more than 1 side.

    good luck

    and to the rest of you fuckers who think your platform is better than the others: we don't fucking care.

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