Css vs Tables

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • flavorful0

    Funny ... but nonetheless utterly pointless.

    Actually, it's incredibly stupid.

    I honestly have no idea why people still use tables.

    You know people who kind of shy away from technology because they're too "old fashioned"? It's like that, except incredibly hypocritical. They'd rather use less efficient, outdated technology just because it's old hat to them.

    • Because it's easier.Jaline
    • It's really not to be honest. It may be easier from an initial development standpoint, but in terms of future updates and the like ... it's maddening.flavorful
    • like it's maddening. DIV/SPAN tags have so much more flexibility and also do so without two extra tags being needed.flavorful
    • needed (TR/ TD). I guess it's one of my pet peeves.flavorful
    • Well it's definitely one of my pet peeves, I go ape shit at work when I view source on new R&D work.flavorful
    • Look at it this way: nobody's getting hired these days for being "great at HTML tables" on their resume.mg33
    • tables are so limiting...css is so easy and versatile!sputnik2

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