
Out of context: Reply #148

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  • mikotondria30

    Indeed not sir, we all find the majority of your insights, knowledge and wit to be first class on the vast majority of topics that roll past us all on here.
    But then these seems to take a back seat with statements such as "You cannot prove his non-existence. Nevermind the typical response that the onus of proof is on me."
    No - er, UNmind that the onus of proof IS on you.
    You are claiming that something IS true. We are claiming that it is not. We are not countering your claim with another solid claim, that x does not equal y, but equals p, we are saying categorically that your claim of x=y is not demonstrably true, that is stands alone as an unproven entity, with no ties to the rest of logic.
    In this case, we the above find that with all the love and respect in the word that you are marginally sweetly deluded about this particular aspect of your thinking.
    We are all deluded to one degree or another about many things, and to some extent our internal lives and that which we share with others are a carefully orchestrated dance of illusions and delusions; people spend a lifetime convincing themselves that the grand and the tiny fictions they live with are true enough to live out because the counterpart to them is unbearable. That the universe is a hugely incomprehensible infinitely complex place of which we are but a tiny yet wonderful brief and mysterious event, or that our parents arent the people we need them to be, that we are not half as smart nor have half as many answers as we think we do, or need, or that people really take as much notice of rambling responses like these some 150 posts into a topic.
    I too am slightly deluded in this respect, and as a fellow delusionist we share far more in who we are and how we live our lives, despite my techical atheism, than we might suppose. Here's to the sweet, brief fantasy that flashes past us all every day, lets get together once a year and stick a tree in the corner of the room and eat too much and just relax and love each other, theres far more truth in our lies than the real world could ever muster.

    • this is actually quite beautiful, regardless of which side youre onian
    • well said. you're a regular Maya Angelou.mcLeod
    • bravo!
    • fantastic miko, fantastickelpie
    • I like this.tommyo
    • *sniff*scarabin_net

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