Che - The Movie

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • Khurram0

    From what i've read, and the trailor itself, the movie doesn't attempt to sugar coat anything. It seems frank in the depiction of those less than palatable aspects of his life you seek to demonise him with.

    I'm sure those who idolise him will see what they want in the film, and those who despise socialism, will be bitter that his views are aired in a film that will surely elicit some sort of sympathy. But thats just the nature of his views, they are sympathetic.

    Personally, i think there's something admirable in his naive idealism. His sincericty in wanting to relieve the suffering of the poor of South America. But, at the same time, he wasn't exactly an intellectual heavyweight, and his crass depiction in popular culture has created the image of a messianic figure FAR removed from historical truth.

    So what? The film's a biopic of an iconic historical figure. At least that what it seems to be. Plus its Steven Soderbergh, one of the best directors around.

    • +1 - Although Soderbergh is hit and miss for me (needs a word with himself about Ocean's 12)babaganush

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