anti SUV ads

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • d_ummachine0

    Hey Jox,

    You CAN blame people for driving Hummers that get 10 miles to the gallon. You CAN blame people for NOT buying fuel efficient cars, like a Toyota Prius that gets 52 miles per gallon.

    The point of the ad campaign is to get people to think about their actions and how it affects others. The car manufacturers are making butt-loads off of these status symbols (and that is all SUVs are). Car manufacturers are being very irresponsible, especially since the technology is out there. Hydrogen cars, electric cars, and alternative fuels have been in the works for years, but the oil companies have such control over how our government operates. (ie The Bush World Order) Japan is far, far ahead in this area.

    Of course, people will never stop using their cars, but they sure as hell can be smarter about what type of vehicle they are using. I guarantee you that a majority of the S.U.V. owners out there are single, live in the city, and don't ever "haul" things (except for their friggin empty MacDonalds food containers).

    Don't even get me started on how stupid your Swedish meatball comment was.

    Now go eat your Surf n Turf and shit it right back out.

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