my next lens......

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  • slappy0

    The 17-40L is a whole stop slower than the 16-35L but I don't tend to use the 17-40 for shooting high speed in the dark. When I'm shooting a gig I will use the 24-70, 50mm f1.4 and 70-200 as its dark and I need the speed to freeze the action. The subject is usually people where the narrow DOF of the 2.8 lenses is quite effective.

    If I'm shooting wide at night I will be using a tripod and f7-f11 anyhow, as I usually want everything in focus. f2.8 is so narrow that its not that useful on a wide angle.

    The 17-40 uses 77mm filters which is handy as 24-70 and 70-200 also use 77mm filters. This means I only need one CPL, and a couple of ND's for most of my line up. The Sigma 50mm f1.4 I have also uses these size filters.

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