Weird Neighbors?

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • airey0

    i lived in a 6-pack unit block which was filled with a travelling freakshow. victorian england's famous show held nothing to the flotsam and jetsam that washed up in that place. i guess you are attracted to similar people...

    3 classic tales:
    • unit across the way was a couple who were as ugly as small minded. couldn't stand the tubby little bitch. one day the cops were there, apparently some aboriginals had broken into the place while the dude was there and clouted him over the head. he came around to stolen computers, tv etc etc. we didn't buy that story. the suburb we lived in would have called the cops en-masse if a group of anyone were walking down the street with electronic goods, let alone the nations minority who are in short supply in the northern suburbs. so a few months pass and the cops find some of the stuff at a cash-convertors. turns out the dude had a gambling problem and faked the whole thing, even smacked his head with a gold club - a true method actor.
    • same neighbours invited my nephew over for a few drinks (with about 4 other building dwellers from other units) when he moved in with me. after about 30 minutes he scaled the balcony and lept to freedom. called me a fucker for not warning him how far gone the red-neck, racist, inbred neighbours were. i said i'd hoped he was going to get pissed and get a leg over. would have been hilarious. no uncle of the year award for me that year.
    • the chick above us used to bring home a different dude each weekend night and have the loudest sex i've ever heard. apart from the screams of 'stop and untie me' i usually hear. anyways after being woken up at 3am by the bedhead upstairs banging on the wall my flatmate, who was also woken, got up and shouted from his balcony for them to 'hurry the fuck up and finish her off!". got an applause from scattered neighbouring buildings who shared a common back garden area who had also been woken up. the night went quiet then. we were pissing ourselves.

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