Logo pricing

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • craighooper0

    Fuck these people w/ these ridiculous budgets—regardless if it is for a school project or not. Communication design services and intellectual property cost money—bottom line.

    We get constant requests for quotes from clueless wonders, all wanting full-featured web properties for $1200. It happens all the time. I've grown so tired of these time-wasters, that I refuse to even think about drafting a proposal or project estimate. When I smell a rotting corpse, I reply w/ some rather blunt wording about realistic associated costs—I've yet to be proven wrong on this one. Those sniffing around asking questions like "how much for a website", or "what would it cost to have a logo designed for my 2-man company" are wasting everyone's time—including their own.

    Problem is, there are so many desperate designers out there willing to step-right-up and provide their under-valued services for this type of shit. That's why we all hear: "well, the last designer we hired built us a website for $675".

    Time to end this rubbish.

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