Dark Sucker Theory

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • TheBlueOne0

    "dark is heavier than light."

    Spoken like a true moron that has never held a bit of the Sun in his hands. Let me tell you, son. The Sun is fucking heavy and dense and hot and full of motherfucking light. Some of my best men have died trying to hold ont that hot heavy Sun stuff. Oh and sure, I hear your objection already,you're going to lay some crap on me about black holes, none more black and them being heavy? Well let me ask you this, hev you been inside a black hole? Have you? I thought not. No one has, no one know what's on the other side of that fucker. It could be brighter than the light shining out of Sister Mary Sunshine's Asshole on Good Friday. You catch my drift? Well, you take your goddamn crackpot theory about dark suckers and crawl back under what ever mumbo jumbo rock you slid out from, because from this vantage point it's all a bunch of general fuckery not worth the spit sheen left on a chewed up piece of 2 cent bubble gum.

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