NO on Prop 8

Out of context: Reply #46

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  • locustsloth0

    1) Sorry about the Zimbabwe confusion, just read what was on your profile
    2) Sorry, i didn't mean you bailed, i meant epete, as he hadn't posted in a while.
    3) i don't see how whether homosexuality is something you're born with has anything to do with whether they can be married. Choice or not, why can't they get married? i don't believe answering that would be repeating yourself as i can't find where you've said it before.
    But i can understand if you feel uncomfortable expressing that or just plain don't care to let people here into your opinions that much. i just can't think of a reason outside of religious dogma that someone would oppose this and was interested to hear from someone who may have a reason.
    What's more, why not just instill your values regarding this issue in your children? Why impose your values on others whom are unrelated and unconnected to you?
    And why do you seemingly feel that homosexuality is an affliction to be treated (regarding your NARTH links)? What harm will befall the world if those who choose (as you believe) to be homosexual do so?
    But again, i understand that this is a personal matter which you could possibly feel sensitive sharing your opinions about.
    Live and let live, is all i'm saying.

    • point 3 makes a good point. everyone deserves the right to be unhappily married.airey

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