Workin' for Obama

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • designbot0

    I did come in contact with some Obama supporters outside Whole Foods who were downright militaristic about signing people up to vote. I understand voting is important, but it was pretty annoying to have these guys trying so hard....reminded me of Jehovah's witnesses or something. Having said that I actually ended up registering with this girl who was standing outside of Target. I definitely think it is a great service to make it so easy to register to vote, as long as the people are more passive about it. Also, I don't think anyone registering people to vote should be vocal about who they are voting for.

    Props to you guys for doing this :)

    • whole foods... huh huh - typical.
      might as well stand outside a church preachin' jesus..
    • hahaha
    • hahadesignbot
    • Some people can be unbelievably annoying with all of this...SigDesign

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