
Out of context: Reply #82

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  • nocomply0

    Well my list of injuries is not going to top anyone else's here but I am listing them anyway for the sake of self-indulgence.

    I broke the growth plate in my thumb skateboarding when I was 13 but to be honest it didn't really hurt that bad.

    As soon as I got my cast of I tore some ligament in my toes while trying to jump over a fence. That one actually hurt more than the thumb.

    A few years later I tore ligaments in my left ankle really badly in another skating mishap. It's kind of similar to what someone else posted here a little earlier. I tried to bail mid-air after launching off a big kicker ramp, but the board stuck to my left foot. When I landed the board (and my foot) shot out at like 100 miles an hour causing my ankle to roll over and snap like a twig. It swelled to the size of a grapefruit within minutes. I had a friend drive me home, but my mom wasn't there. These were the days before cell phones so I had to wait on the couch in agony for several hours before she could get home and take me to the hospital. That was actually kind of painful.

    In around 2004 I cracked a rib in a snowboarding accident, but didn't know it until almost a year later during a medical examination. I just thought it was bruised and hurt like shit.

    So yeah, my injuries aren't really too exiting and luckily I've never felt excruciating pain. *knock on wood.

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