
Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Gucci0

    The politicians like to do *things*. not the right things, not the important things, just *things*. This makes them feel busy and important, and keeps them in the minds of people.

    Because as we all very well know, there's really nothing they CAN do about the situation in the above photo. They can't really control people that don't want to be controlled... but those who want more control generally don't give a fuck about the people who really need help and focus on their BS problems (ie: my apartment is close to someone who smokes).

    Smokers are treated like second class citizens. Crazy.

    I don't even get how someone can be so close as to smell so much smoke that it impedes their everyday life or enjoyment of their condo. Unless you're sharing a bunk bed, that makes little to no sense.

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