Electro House 24-7 Volume Nine

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • 187LockDown0

    I'm daft? If you can use the word "fucking" then why don't you just call me "fucking stupid" instead of daft! Say what you mean.

    Show some self repect? You think the only reason I like a song is because I think a girl will shake their ass? Then you are daft. Your a daft punk ass bitch! I will stand up to my comment that you must be able to keep women captivated on the dancefloor or there will be no one on the dancefloor. So yes, I want bitches shaking their ass!

    Please give me some ideas of songs with substance. Keep it relevent, something new and somwhere in the house genre and by challenging, what do you mean? Please, give me guidance wise one. Give me 1 song you think is challenging and of substance I don't spin at a hooka lounge so keep it somewhere above 120BPM.

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